June Quilt for Sujatha

even though suja's birthday is far away in december, i decided to make her quilt in june as she will be going off to miami in july. she wanted the new york city skyline. the perfect one would have been a dark one with lots of bright lights but i thought that would be too gloomy, so decided to use some prints and let it be new york in the day time. i feel the pattern is way to childish really but she has loved it (at least the pictures she has seen of it). to redeem myself,  i have happily hand-quilted, and in the process realised this is the way forward for me - it's so restful (and silent!). the quilt has turned out to be a perfect 60x90 as planned. there are only two layers to it as suja needed it to be not too bulky to carry back with her. i like and the empire state building (that she insisted that i include) and the birds.

i told suja that i was not very pleased with the simple quilt and she said - 'this is a quilt of new york made in guntur for miami - who can beat that!!'. i agree with her whole-heartedly and shall not feel bad about the pattern any more :)


  1. love this Sands, Cant wait to see it and use it - especially in Miami!!!!Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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