My first weaving project

 One of my most treasured gifts, on turning 60, is the table top loom gifted by Usha. It's like a dream come true, and while I struggled with it from March to May, sometimes even dreaming about it, I have finally been able to figure out the process. Only now have I realised that it is the warping that is the important part - ensuring it goes through the right heddles, and is distributed properly through the reed, and then is taut enough in the front and the rear end of the loom - and getting it right is not easy. 

I made this warp (above) of almost 2.5 metres with 8 shafts and 224 strands, with 2 strips of blue separating 3 strips of white (the central one wider) and then generally tried out different shaft combinations with maroon, blue and cream 3 ply yarn (same as the warp).

 This one was my first attempt at tweed 

The maroon above was mostly plain weave and the tweed lower down was with 3 shafts at a time - e.g 123/456/781/234.... and so on,

 This was plain weave, but with 2 shafts at a time (1256/3478)


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