January 2014 - Crocheted baby blanket

in this new year, i plan to make one baby blanket/quilt each month to be auctioned for vaani at the end of the year. there's also an orphanage in bangalore that requires baby blankets so this one could be for either purpose.

i used the same tablecloth motif for the center of this baby blanket - with red fabric for the base and the back, the same red fabric for the binding, and an old sheet for the batting. am not quilting on this - but have machine-stitched the three layers together at the edge so that should be adequate. i really should get the walking foot and get over my phobia of quilting by machine.

i somehow feel this looks more like a cushion cover top than a blanket but the three layers have made it nice and warm. the measurements are approx 32" on each side.


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